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Hello GACE members,

I am truly humbled to share this letter as you have made a sound financial and professional decision to select GACE as one, if not the only association to engage, connect, and grow with for your career.

As your president for 2023 – 2024 I am committed with every ounce of my passion for GACE to ensure and work towards you receiving the best and most out of GACE. Your personal and professional development and intentional interactions with future talent and colleagues is our top priority to maximize your experience. The GACE board shares my excitement, and as your professional development leaders, we are dedicated to creating space and programs to continue to strengthen our profession across the state.

As a member of GACE, whether prospective, new, seasoned, or lifetime it is my hope you find and experience the value being created and I welcome you into this robust state association for many years to come. Our mission is to provide opportunities for employers and career development professionals to connect and strive for meaningful internship and full-time hiring opportunities in Georgia.  As we enter into a new phase of growth and continued innovation we will remain committed to our founding mission. After such an invigorating and energetic transition meeting I am happy to use this space to share with you my goals and vision.

  • Goal 1: Engage membership through intentional location specific-networking opportunities
  • Goal 2: Establish a new DEI initiative by creating and launching a Diversity Networking Event

It is my hope that these goals inspire you to stay active, volunteer, and remain committed to GACE as this year unfolds. I want you to know your voice matters and I am here to serve you. Never hesitate to contact me with questions about our association.

I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible over this next year at one of our upcoming events.

Best regards,

Sherrie Goodman, GCDF

Assistant Director, Career Services

Georgia Gwinnett College 

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